Thursday, 26 March 2020

English Test first year prep school- Term(2)الثاني من شهر شعبان للعام الهجري 1441- ليوم الخميس


1- Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:
1-It was Ali's ………………… .
a) wedding       b)barbecue     c)birthday    d) holiday
2- The weekend was …………………… .
a) fantastic        b) boring         c) tiring     d) terrible
3- They visited a/ an ……………….. after they visited the funfair.
a) cinema       b) museum   c)aquarium   d)theatre
4- They came home in the ……………….. .
a)morning      b)evening      c)afternoon d) night

B- Language Functions
2) Complete the following:
Ahmed: How was your birthday?
Ali: It was …….(1)………………………. .
Ahmed: Did you have a party?
Ali: yes, I ….(2)……………………….. .
Ahmed: …….(3)…………………………did it start?
Ali: It started at seven.
Ahmed: How did you feel?
Ali: I felt very happy…..(4)………………… most of my friends come to the party.
Ahmed: What about your best friend?
Ali: ….(5)……………………… he was ill, he came to the party.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

بعض الصور والرسومات Some photos,paintings,logos and icons.


  ٢٧ أي27 أي السابع والعشرون من 
شهر رجب
 للعام الهجري١٤٤١ أي 
1441 هجرية

ليوم الأحد